News archive

  • Cost of Living Crisis

    Cost of Living Crisis

    The last year has held many challenges for us all and the Meon Valley Food Bank is no exception

  • Appointment of new trustee

    Appointment of new trustee

    We are delighted to announce that Ian Wollam has agreed to join the Trustee team of the Meon Valley Food Bank. 

  • Introducing our new Food Bank Manager!

    Introducing our new Food Bank Manager!

    We are delighted that Theresa Pratt begins work as the new Meon Valley Food Bank Manager on Monday April 29th.

  • AGM Report

    AGM Report

    2024 Meon Valley Food Bank AGM report.

  • 270 people helped in recent weeks

    270 people helped in recent weeks

    We have seen wonderful generosity in the run-up to Christmas!   This has enabled us to help 270 people in recent weeks.  Our amazing volunteers have worked extremely hard.

  • Shout out

    Shout out

    A big thank you to all our regular donors at this busy time of year.